Orionis Management

Governance Services to Investment Fund Managers & Undertakings in Collective Investments
Family Office expertise to Entrepreneurs & Family Businesses

Home > Corporate Governance Services > Tony Rawlins

Tony Rawlins

It is not simply a case of having a set of procedures and processes, nor is it just about having controls in place. Reliance on a poor control is often worse than having no control at all. It is key to have a clear understanding of the business and what can go wrong

Wednesday 30 June 2021, by Jimmy Laporte

[en]Information about cookies[fr]Information sur les cookies[de]This Internet site uses cookies of several types.Some cookies are necessary for the proper display of the Internet site and for the transition between pages. These cookies are called session cookies and are allowed permanently. They are not saved on your computer and disappear therefore dès the closing of your Internet browser.D'autres cookies, which rely notamment on services proposed by third-party sites, may be set up for statistical analysis or marketing purposes. This Internet site respecting the principle of Privacy by Default defined in the GDPR EU 2016/679 regulation, these cookies are not saved that with your agreement.You are donc free to accept or refuse them via the form below.You can at any moment modify your choices on these cookies en returning on this page.Pour more information on what is a cookie, you can consult the Wikipedia site à the address https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie_(informatique)Informationen über Cookies

[en]Our website utilizes cookies to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalized content. This Cookie Policy explains how we use cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our website. It also outlines your rights regarding the collection and use of your personal data through these technologies. For more information on what is a cookie, you can consult the Wikipedia site à the address https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie_(informatique)[fr]Ce site Internet utilise des cookies de plusieurs types. Certains cookies sont nécessaires au bon affichage du site Internet et à la transition entre les pages. Ces cookies sont appelés cookies de session et sont autorisés en permanence. Ils ne sont pas sauvegardés sur votre ordinateur et disparaissent donc dès la fermeture de votre navigateur Internet. D’autres cookies, qui s’appuient notamment sur services proposés par des sites tiers, peuvent être mis en place à des fins d’analyses statistiques ou de marketing. Ce site Internet respectant le principe du Privacy by Default défini dans le règlement GDPR UE 2016/679, ces cookies ne sont sauvegardés qu’avec votre accord. Vous êtes donc libres de les accepter ou les refuser via le formulaire ci-dessous. Vous pouvez à tout moment modifier vos choix sur ces cookies en retournant sur cette page. Pour plus d’information sur ce qu’est un cookie, vous pouvez consulter le site Wikipedia à l’adresse https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie_(informatique) [de]Our website utilizes cookies to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalized content. This Cookie Policy explains how we use cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our website. It also outlines your rights regarding the collection and use of your personal data through these technologies. For more information on what is a cookie, you can consult the Wikipedia site à the address https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie_(informatique)

[en]Please also take note of the following information:[fr]Merci de prendre également connaissance des informations suivante :[de]Bitte beachten Sie auch folgende Informationen: [en]Charter on Data Collection[fr]Charte sur la collecte de données[de]Charta zur Datenerhebung - [en]Legal Notice[fr]Mentions légales[de]Rechtliche Informationen

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